The Helots of Ancient Sparta?

When you think of Sparta, an image will most likely form of hoplites formed in line or on march. Men in gleaming armour, surly eyes and possibly the odd six pack. Spartan society attracted a lot of interest both in the time of the ancient Greeks and later, its mystique cultivated by a lack of …

Federal States: The Rise and Fall of the Arkadian Koinon

Today, federal states are a popular form of government throughout the world. Some examples include the European Union or countries like Belgium, Canada, German and the United States. Within a federal state, different governments (federal and regional/local) interact with one another to ensure an optimal working of the federation. However, it is not always easy …

The Dark Side of Alexander The Great  

When Alexander died in 323 in Babylon, his myth immediately spread throughout the known world. For centuries, the Macedonian king has fascinated rulers, leaders and-the everyday man. The rapidity of his conquests and his young age made him legendary. Many were inspired by him, and even today his personality continues to enchant. Ancient sources tell …

Myth and Polis II: Did the Greeks believe their own myths?

‘Did the Greeks believe their own myths?’ This question, which was central to Paul Veyne’s 1988 book of the same name, is also important in this series on the deeper connection between myth and politics among the Greeks. After all, as I pointed out in the previous entry, to us it might seem strange that …

Myth and the polis: Greek diplomacy and the mythical past

Elke Close Mythological stories and figures influenced the daily life of the ancient Greeks in different ways. They were at the heart of Greek religion, taught valuable life lessons to young and old and provided an explanation for unusual natural phenomena. Greek mythology was thus very much a part of the Greek identity. It is …

Hellenistic People I: Polybius of Megalopolis

One of the most prolific historians of the Hellenistic Age was without a doubt Polybius of Megalopolis. His Histories not only provide us with a plethora of information on ‘Rome’s rise to power’, but the wider political reality of the Hellenistic World of the third and second centuries BC. Our series on the ‘great’ Hellenistic figures …

Digital Tools for the Ancient World? Some suggestions

So you like the Ancient World? Good, then you are in the right place. Have you ever wondered how the research is done for the articles, blogs or books that you love reading? Yes? Then look no further! Of course, any good researcher starts with the traditional books and articles on the topic that you …